We all have tingling fingers sometimes. It may be during sleep when we’ve trapped an arm in a compromised position, placing pressure on the nerve and having it “fall asleep.” But this passes quickly when we move, free the arm, and move it about a bit. People assume this tingling, or that “pins and needles”…Read More >>
Posted on: May 15 2021
By: editor
When watching a football game, you likely have heard of an injured player being reported as having a “stinger.” This is a nerve injury, a stinger being a minor end of the scale. These injuries are called brachial plexus injuries. They occur when the brachial plexus network of nerves that sends signals from your spinal…Read More >>
Posted on: Apr 15 2021
By: editor
Any headache is an unwelcome part of being human. Chronic headaches, particularly to the extreme level of a migraine, are a bane. To get a handle on your chronic headaches, Dr. Seruya may need to perform nerve decompression. What makes your headaches chronic? Chronic headaches include migraines, occipital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, posttraumatic headaches, and postoperative…Read More >>
Posted on: Mar 15 2021
By: editor
The word “chronic” never has good connotations. From chronic sinus infections to a person who is chronically late, it’s not a word associated with good things. That’s very much the case with pain. If you suffer from chronic pain, there’s not much to smile about. Chronic pain is defined as pain that is ongoing and…Read More >>
Posted on: Feb 14 2021
By: editor
Our nervous system is involved in everything our complex bodies do, from signaling and controlling our muscles to regulating breathing to sensing whether something is hot or cold. That’s why it’s such a problem when we suffer nerve damage. Whether due to sustained compression in an area such as the spine or through various tight…Read More >>
Posted on: Jan 15 2021
By: editor
If you’ve been looking through this website, you’ve probably come across Dr. Seruya’s extensive involvement in the recent surge in acute flaccid myelitis, a devastating condition that creates sudden-onset weakness in one or more arms or legs in young children. But Dr. Seruya treats all sorts of nerve problems with his younger patients. That’s why…Read More >>
Posted on: Dec 15 2020
By: editor
We have nerves that service all areas of our body. They allow us to not only feel sensations, but they also allow us to control the muscles that create our movements. When a nerve is damaged or injured, the area served is impaired. When this happens with the facial nerve, the corresponding facial paralysis is…Read More >>
Posted on: Nov 15 2020
By: editor
Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a devastating condition that creates sudden-onset weakness in one or more arms or legs, usually in young children. The condition is also known as “polio-like paralysis” and has an odd pattern of upticks followed by downturns. Dr. Seruya has operated on many children who have lost function in a limb…Read More >>
Posted on: Oct 15 2020
By: editor
We’ve all had a foot or hand fall asleep. Maybe we were sleeping at a bad angle and awoke with an arm that was limp or tingling. Crossed legs when sitting could have left a foot with the same feeling. The abnormal pressure pushes on nerves and compresses the blood vessels that support them. The…Read More >>
Posted on: Sep 15 2020
By: editor
Nerves need their space. To properly get the electrical signals through, the nerves need room. But in some places, such as our wrists and where nerves are exiting the spinal canal, things can get a little tight. Whether due to inflammation in a narrow passageway, such as the carpal tunnel, or due to a bulging…Read More >>
Posted on: Aug 15 2020
By: editor